by Andrey Azimov

Red App iOS Icons IPhone IOS 14 Theme

Instantly download these Red and Black Edition 120+ App Icons + 10 Wallpapers + 28 Bonus Alphabet Widgets / Icons to personalize your iPhone Home Screen (IOS 14) and create your own aesthetic look!


120 Different App Icons (High Resolution PNG files in Zip file) for iPhone, compatible with iOS 14 28 Bonus Alphabet Widgets / Icons Bonus (PNG files in Zip file) 10 Wallpapers (PNG files in Zip file) Detailled instructions on how to install and use (JPEG file)


Airbnb, Amazon, Amazon Alexa, Among Us, Apple Music, Apple TV, Apple Watch, Appstore, Asana, Audible, Books, Calculator, Calendar, Camera, Canvas, CashApp, Clock, Cloud, Compass, Contacts, Crunchyroll, Discord, Disney +, Door Dash, Dropbox, Duolingo, Ebay, ESPN, Etsy, Evernote, Facebook, Facebook Messenger, FaceTime, Files, Firefox, Fitbit, Gmail, Goodreads, Google, Google Chrome, Google Docs, Google Drive, Google Hangouts, Google Maps, Google Photos, Google Translate, Groupme, HBOMax, Health, Home, Hulu, iMessage, iMovie, Instagram, iTunes Store, iTunes U, Kik, Kindle, Lastpass, Life360, Lightroom, Line, Linkedin, Lyft, Maps, Marco Polo, Measure, Netflix, News, NFL, Notes, Numbers, OneDrive, Outlook, Pages, Pandora, Phone, Photos, Pinterest, Podcasts, Reddit, Reminders, Remote, Repost, Safari, Settings, Shazam, Shortcuts, Skype, Slack, Sleep Cycle, Snapchat, Soundcloud, Spotify, Stocks, Streaks, Tik tok, Tips, Trello, Twitch, Twitter, Uber, Vimeo, Videos, Voice Memos, VSCO, Walmart, Waterminder, Waze, Weather, WhatsApp, Wikipedia, YouTube, Zoom